The Menya Language Group began in 2004 as the Menya Language Association to help guide language work among the Menya-speaking people. The original committee or board stopped working in 2006 but we formed a new board in 2021 with representatives from Wapi LLG wards 6, 7, 8, and 9.
- Some of us helped to translate the New Testament into Menya and are now translating the Old Testament.
- Others of us trained to be literacy teachers to help Menya speakers learn to read their language. We are available to work with communities and elementary school teachers to make use of the books that we have produced to help others to learn to read Menya.
- Some of us are church leaders who want to see our people learning from God's Word about what God has done for us and how He wants us to serve Him.
- And others of us are members of the community who want to see our language get stronger, instead of becoming a dead language which nobody can speak.

You can make the big map to the right become larger or smaller. There is a little house picture where most of the Menya villages are located. There is a picture of two children to show where the schools are. There is a little picture of a bigger building to show where the administration offices are. When you click or touch a little picture, the name of the place will appear.
The black shape in the middle of the map of PNG below shows the homeland of the Menya people in the corner of Morobe Province, near the Gulf Province and Eastern Highlands Province boundaries.